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[TOEIC] – Error recognition (tìm lỗi sai) – Test 7

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Thể loại: TOEIC 

General Instructions:

  • Carefully examine each sentence provided.
  • Pay attention to grammar, vocabulary, word choice, and sentence structure.
  • Select the option (A, B, C, or D) that contains the error you have identified.
  • There is no need to rewrite the sentence; simply indicate the letter corresponding to the error.
  • You will have a limited amount of time to complete this section, so manage your time wisely.
  • If you are unsure about a particular sentence, make your best guess and proceed to the next one.


Question 1: The company’s principal objective is to deliver high-quality products, meets customer expectations, and maintain a strong market presence.
A. principle
B. meets
C. maintain
D. No error

Question 2: In spite of facing fierce competition, our team managed to secure the contract, and we are confidently moving forward with the project.
A. In spite of
B. contract
C. confidently
D. No error

Question 3: The company’s annual sales conference will take place next week, where their top performers will be awarded for their outstanding contributions.
A. annual
B. their
C. awarded
D. No error

Question 4: Our marketing team is working hardly to develop a effective advertising campaign to promote our new product’s launch.
A. hardly
B. effectively
C. product’s
D. No error

Question 5: The companys CEO is known for its strong leadership skills and effectiveness in managing its teams.
A. companys
B. its
C. effectiveness
D. No error

Question 6: Our headquarters office is responsible for coordinating our global operations and ensure compliance with international regulations.
A. headquarter
B. coordinating
C. ensure
D. No error

Question 7: The new software has many features, includes a user-friendly interface, and a wide range of functions to meet our needs.
A. many
B. includes
C. and
D. functions

Question 8: The company’s mission is to achieve sustainable grow while maintaining ethical business practices and providing exceptional customer service.
A. achieve
B. grow
C. maintaining
D. providing

Question 9: Our team is dedicated to deliver high-quality products on time and under budget to satisfy our customers’ expectations.
A. deliver
B. time
C. under
D. satisfy

Question 10: The company’s CEO is responsible for setting the company strategic direction and ensuring its long-term success.
B. setting
C. company’s
D. its

Liên quan:  [TOEIC] Reading Comprehension (Đọc hiểu) - Test 1


1B, 2D, 3B, 4A, 5A, 6C, 7B, 8B, 9A, 10C

Question 1. Choice B is incorrect because “meet” should be replaced with “meet” to maintain proper verb tense agreement. The correct sentence should read, “The company’s principal objective is to deliver high-quality products, meet customer expectations, and maintain a strong market presence.”

Question 2. Choice D because there is no error in the sentence.

Question 3. Choice B is incorrect because “their” should be replaced with “the” to maintain proper possessive form. The correct sentence should read, “The company’s annual sales conference will take place next week, where the top performers will be awarded for their outstanding contributions.”

Question 4. Choice A is incorrect because “hardly” should be replaced with “hard” to maintain proper adverb usage. The correct sentence should read, “Our marketing team is working hard to develop an effective advertising campaign to promote our new product’s launch.”

Question 5. Choice A is incorrect because “companys” should be “company’s” to indicate possession correctly. The correct sentence should read, “The company’s CEO is known for its strong leadership skills and effectiveness in managing its teams.”

Question 6. Choice C is incorrect because “ensure” should be “ensuring” to maintain proper verb tense agreement. The correct sentence should read, “Our headquarters office is responsible for coordinating our global operations and ensuring compliance with international regulations.”

Question 7. Choice B is incorrect because “includes” should be replaced with “including” to maintain proper verb agreement. The correct sentence should read, “The new software has many features, including a user-friendly interface and a wide range of functions to meet our needs.”

Question 8. Choice B is incorrect because “grow” should be “growth” to use the correct noun form. The correct sentence should read, “The company’s mission is to achieve sustainable growth while maintaining ethical business practices and providing exceptional customer service.”

Question 9. Choice A is incorrect because “deliver” should be “delivering” to maintain proper verb agreement. The correct sentence should read, “Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality products on time and under budget to satisfy our customers’ expectations.”

Question 10. Choice C is incorrect because “company” should be “company’s”. The correct sentence should read, “The company’s CEO is responsible for setting the company’s strategic direction and ensuring its long-term success.”

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  • APA:
    Dammio. (2023). [TOEIC] – Error recognition (tìm lỗi sai) – Test 7. https://www.dammio.com/2023/09/18/toeic-error-recognition-tim-loi-sai-test-7.
  • BibTeX:
    author = {Dammio},
    title = {[TOEIC] – Error recognition (tìm lỗi sai) – Test 7},
    year = {2023},
    url = {https://www.dammio.com/2023/09/18/toeic-error-recognition-tim-loi-sai-test-7},
    urldate = {2024-07-23}
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